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What We Do

We give you the ultimate in body testing. We give you solutions.  We use techniques and machines to test you completely.  Know your true "Body Age". Know your Personal true caloric burn rate.  Know your peak performance targets. Know your Hormone levels. Know your cardiovascular abilities and limitiations. VO2 Max testing, True Body Age, Full Blood Analysis, Hormone Deficiency testing, Cardiovascular testing are all necessary before you even take the next step toward any exercise, nutrition or personal training program.

We are here for those that would like to have the same starting blocks used by Hollywood and Professional Athletes around the world. Everyone is different and can have drastically different starting points, abilities and deficiencies. We give clients the tools to make the quickest and healthiest means to success.

Our firm was created by meshing Wellness, Fitness, and Medical to create a team and systems that can truly make a unique option and result for clients who want to make drastic and real permanent changes in their lives. 

We can't wait to help you in your new "WHOLISTIC" approach to a lasting healthy life change. 


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